Standing on Neptune introduces the reader to the main character of this story, 17-year-old Brooke Palinder. The book provides us with an up close and personal look at Brooke’s life, over the span of a week.
This story begins on a Monday morning. Everything was normal. Brooke was getting ready for school when she heard the announcer on the radio say the number -5. For any other person, that probably would have just slipped by them, but for Brooke, it made her aware that she was five days late for her period.
A simple calculation that sucked the air from my lungs and turned my feet to roots. x + y = −5
Am I pregnant? The question haunted her. The only person she confides in is her boyfriend Ryan, who does not take the news very well. In an attempt to distract herself, she throws herself into a school science project on the planet Neptune. The more Brooke learns about Neptune, the more she feels a sense of connection with the planet.
Over the course of the week, we learn a bit about Brooke’s life and the important people in it. As each day comes, and her period doesn’t, she begins to worry more. The whole week has been a wreck, but by Saturday, Brooke decides she needs to find the answer to the question that has been haunting her since Monday.
Although this book had a bit of a different layout (it’s completely in free verse) it was still an amazing read! Instead of chapters, this book was divided by the days of the week, Monday through Saturday. The emotions Brooke felt really came through the pages. Each day you could sense the frustration, worry and loneliness growing.
This is the second book of hers I have reviewed, the first being “A Bend in The Breeze”. I always find her books interesting and I’m very fond of her work.
Standing On Neptune has 152 pages. This novel is recommended for those aged 13-18 years old. If you are considering giving this book a try, don’t wait any longer! It is truly an amazing novel. The book is full of short but powerful messages, that left me with something to think about. I would definitely recommend getting yourself a copy of this novel, you won’t regret it!
Valerie Sherrard is a Canadian author of books for children and young adults. She was born in Saskatchewan but grew up all around Canada and Germany. Now she lives with her husband in New Brunswick, Canada.
- Publisher : DCB (April 15 2023)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 152 pages
- ISBN-10 : 1770866876
- ISBN-13 : 978-1770866874
Ella Breau is from Miramichi, New Brunswick. She enjoys being outside and playing softball. Ella is always up for a challenge and loves taking on all sorts of jobs. Ella is a middle school student who loves to read and write. Some of her favourite genres include mystery and non-fiction. Ella likes to learn more about her passion for commerce through reading.
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