In Sickness and In Health/ Yom Kippur in a Gym by Nora Gold

In Sickness and In Health by Nora Gold is the fictionalized memoir of a woman whose childhood was marked by epilepsy. Yom Kippur in a Gym by Nora Gold is a powerful, moving narrative that illuminates the messiness of our lives, while also providing a gentle nudge towards deep healing through kinship and faith.

Cover of Soft Serve by Allison Graves

Soft Serve by Allison Graves

Soft Serve is Allison Grave’s debut collection of short stories, arising from her master’s program at Memorial University. These stories are mainly contemporary stories written about “middle-class millennials” – the world my children will occupy soon, one that I can only observe from a distance of about 25 years.

Palestinian flag with fundraiser details written over the image.

TMR Fundraiser for Palestine

We’ve noticed a marked absence of books by Palestinian authors and/or books about Palestine through our regular pitches from publishers. As a result, we’d like to do a direct callout for Palestinian books to review, as well as for our other features such as interviews, excerpts, and “Why I Wrote This Book” features. 

In addition to this, we know that the world of literature can exist in an ethereal space of “ideas.” We want to be clear that we, the editors-in-chief at The Miramichi Reader, understand that all writing is inherently political in a world where people’s existences are politicized. So we will be donating 100% of donations through the ko-fi button on our website to GoFundMe’s supporting civilians.

An Interview with David Roche, author of Standing at the Back Door of Happiness: And How I Unlocked It

While David’s face looks different, and his condition is so rare that he’s met only one other person that looks like him, but much worse alterations to the human visage are caused by traumas like burns and diseases like cancer, although therapies and plastic surgeries have improved significantly in the past decade.