The Nina Dunic Un-Interview Part 2

Lightly edited for clarity, this dialogue took place at Hemingway’s Bar in Toronto on November 28th, 2024. Read Part 1 here. Nina: [Laughing] Everyone wants to kiss the doberman. Anyway. Anyway. So what do I want to know about you?  Kevin: [Laughs] I mean I have a response to what you just said. Nina: Oh, …

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Songs for the Brokenhearted by Ayelet Tsabari

Songs for the Broken-Hearted by Ayelet Tsabari is a brilliantly complex family story, set amidst the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict, and told by Yemeni Jews, a group which is both Jewish and Arabic, and suffers from a considerable amount of racism.

Cover of Five Manifestos for a beautiful World. The cover is a midtone blue, with two off-set black half-circles on it. The title and authors are written in white text on the black shapes.

Five Manifestos for the Beautiful World by Phoebe Bosewell, Saidiya Hartman,  Janaína Oliveira, Joseph M. Pierce, and Cristina Rivera Garza, with an introduction by Christina Sharpe

Hosted at York University, the free,  public events gather writers, artists, and thinkers from various disciplines and geographies to discuss the most pressing issues of our time. The insights shared at the live and streamed events are later transcribed and expanded in artful books published by Alchemy, a Knopf Canada publishing program, in collaboration with York University.

Penny’s Triumphant Turnaround by Stacey MacLean, illustrated by Danelle Vautour

One is never too old for a picture book. Penny’s Triumphant Turnaround by Stacey MacLean, illustrated by Danelle Vautour, is a picture book with a difference.

War among the Clouds: New Brunswick Airmen in the Great War by J. Brent Wilson

Aviation was still in its infancy at the outbreak of the First World War. The Wright brothers had made their first successful flight only a decade earlier in 1903, and few people had ever seen, let alone flown in, an airplane. But that did not stop hundreds of New Brunswick men from enlisting with the British air services during the war.