a blue background with a white circle to the right hand side. Inside the white circle is "The Miramichi Reader."

May’s “Mystery Date with a Book” Giveaway!

What is the TMR “Win a Blind Date With a Book” giveaway? How can one one join? First of all, TMR, in collaboration with some of Canada’s finest publishers, is giving away one current fiction title per month in 2024.

This Will Only Take a Minute: 100 Canadian Flashes by Bruce Meyer and Michael Mirolla (Editors)

In This Will Only Take a Minute: Canadian Flash Fiction, Guernica Editions features short short stories by Canadian writers from six words to 500 words in length, short stories from across the entire spectrum of Canadian writing. and anything from stark realism to speculative fiction.

Acting on the Island and Other Prince Edward Island Stories: New And Selected, by J. J. Steinfeld

Acting on the Island and Other Prince Edward Island Stories: New & Selected gathers together 21 stories set on PEI from the nearly 500 wide-ranging and eclectic stories that J.J. Steinfeld has written in his over forty years of living and writing on the Island.

Translating (M)otherhoods: A Review of Jaspreet Singh’s My Mother, My Translator,* and (M)othering,** edited by Anne Sorbie and Heidi Grogan.

Jaspreet Singh’s My Mother, My Translator and (M)othering, a 57-authors anthology curated by Anne Sorbie and Heidi Grogan showed up on the same day in my mailbox, much like long-lost friends popping over for tea. The message from the universe was clear, I was to discuss them simultaneously.

Matters of Time: An Outliers Anthology

Five years after their initial meeting at a Lindsay coffee shop, a writing group known as The Outliers has released an anthology of their work, Matters of Time. This mixed-genre collection draws on an array of fantastically complex characters, drops them in strange and unusual places, and gives them free rein to explore Time.

AfriCANthology edited by A. Gregory Frankson

Edited with purpose by Greg Frankson, AfriCANthology: Perspectives of Black Canadian Poets brings together some of Canada’s most influential dub, page, and spoken word poetic voices and gives them space to speak freely about their personal journeys in piercing verse and unapologetic prose.

Land of Many Shores: Perspectives from a Diverse Newfoundland and Labrador Edited by Ainsley Hawthorn

Land of Many Shores is a collection of pieces that paints a vibrant picture of a province most of us don’t know as well as we think we do. The variety of experience against the backdrop of Newfoundland and Labrador broadens readers’ perspectives on Canada’s youngest province, helping us reimagine both who we are today and who we have the potential to become.

Toward the North: Stories by Chinese Canadian Writers, edited by Hua Laura Wu, Xueqing Xu, and Corinne Bieman Davies

Toward the North: Stories by Chinese Canadian Writers is a thoughtfully coordinated anthology by editors Hua Laura Wu, Xueqing Xu, and Corinne Bieman Davies. Each story feels like it is presented in exactly the right place and at exactly the right moment in relation to the other stories it shares a cover with. The over-arching theme of the entire collection is Chinese transnational and cross-cultural life experience, and …

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Rising Tides: Reflections for Climate Changing Times, edited by Catriona Sandilands

In the introduction to Rising Tides, Sandilands states that climate change stories “focus increasingly on thornier questions of persistence, adaptation, resistance, and renewal” instead of apocalypse. Ultimately, the short fiction, poetry and personal climate testimonies in this climate change anthology are about hope.