The Suicide Tourist by Myna Wallin

Wallin leaves no stone unturned in this collection, probing her memories to figure out what was real and what wasn’t, as well as coming to terms with being an unreliable narrator of her own life, and what it means to be disabled in a world that has yet to accept the less “challenging” forms of mental illness.

Cover of Lucid by Jenna Boholij. The cover is white, with large black type for the title. There's a wispy cloud-like shape, and below, an old house in a field in greytone.

Lucid by Jenna Boholij 

As she blows out the candles on her thirtieth birthday cake in the opening of Lucid, Charlie Marin reveals herself to be the antagonistic force driving Jenna Boholij’s literary thriller. 

Charlie has a successful job, compassionate family and friends, and a boyfriend in Winnipeg, but she cannot move past the death of her twin Cara, who died at age thirteen. The details of how she died are hidden away, but this loss makes Charlie numb to her circumstances and all possibilities for her future.

A blue, purple and pink background image reminiscent of neon signs. The words "Batshit" and "Seven" mirror each other written sideways in yellow outlined lettering that take up the majority of the image. The author's name is written along the bottom.

Batshit Seven by Sheung-King

Millennial fiction occupies a sad, weird, depressed niche now. The youngest millennials are on the doorstep of thirty, and in a world that is very different from the one promised to them (being a middle of the pack millennial myself, it’s a feeling I’m well acquainted with). This is the feeling Sheung-King (the pen name …

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A Life Spent Listening by Hassan Khalili

In A Life Spent Listening, Dr. Hassan Khalili reflects on four decades of being a frontline community psychotherapist and shares the wisdom he has learned over the years. By inviting the reader into his own life and the lives of his patients, Dr. Khalili explores the human condition and explains his concept of the grid as a guiding principle in his psychological practice.

Stella’s Carpet by Lucy E.M. Black

Exploring the intergenerational consequences of trauma, including those of a Holocaust survivor and a woman imprisoned during the Iranian Revolution, Stella’s Carpet weaves together the overlapping lives of those stepping outside the shadows of their own harrowing histories to make conscious decisions about how they will choose to live while forging new understandings of family, forgiveness and reconciliation.

Save My Life School: A first responder’s mental health journey by Natalie Harris

Every now and then a reader comes across a book that speaks to them. The words jump from the page and land squarely to the reader’s soul. For me, this was Save My Life School, by Natalie Harris. This book is so real, so raw and so honest that it is impossible not to fall …

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