Cover of Ups and Downs. A drawing of a woman carrying a girl by piggyback on a yellow background.

UPS and DOWNS by Nancy MacNairn and illustrated by Doruntina Beqiraj

She reads them beautiful stories and loves them very much giving them lots of hugs and kisses. But she suffers from Ups and Downs. Some days she has so much energy that she is up all night doing laundry, some days she has no energy and spends the day in bed.

Pineapple Express by Evelyn Lau

Pineapple Express is rooted in the mind and its disorders. This collection explores moods, medications and side effects, capturing the flatness of depression while still making the language sing. It also probes the landscape of mid-life in all its manifestations: physical changes, psychological upheaval, the notion of becoming “invisible,” aging and loss, mortality, and the …

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The Waiting Hours by Shandi Mitchell

The Waiting Hours, Shandi Mitchell’s suspenseful follow-up to her award-winning debut novel, Under This Unbroken Sky, examines the professional and personal lives of people working in crisis response: Mike is a cop, Kate an ER nurse, and Tamara a 911 operator. But Mitchell’s novel probes much deeper: into her characters’ personal lives, relationships and traumas. …

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Curtis LeBlanc’s Birding In The Glass Age Of Isolation

[dropcap]In [/dropcap]Curtis LeBlanc’s Birding In The Glass Age of Isolation, mental illness, masculinity, and storytelling are all explored in this worthy follow-up to his first book Little Wild (2018). Like the hunters he writes about, LeBlanc practices patience and careful observations leading readers through poem after poem as he seeks a verbal equivalent for the …

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