In this sequel to her young adult novel Spindrifts, author A-M Mawhiney returns to the Land of Hope, when the earth has reached its tipping point and is in full recovery from the ravages of the “Times Before.” Our teenage characters from Spindrifts are now mature and nurturing parents of a new generation of teenagers who are discovering their special talents. Family members are unique, and disagreements naturally arise, but there is harmony as they seek resolution. The fears and hopes of youth are addressed in a supportive and compassionate environment. Life is celebrated, supported, and loved. Real life is not always like this, but this is a fine model to aspire to.
The social model is inspiring — sharing of goods, group decisions, mutual respect, and lack of competitive drive. New talents in individuals emerge, and each embraces their emerging talent for the benefit of the earth. It seems to be a utopian dream in which all contribute and grow in a healthy environment. Alas, not all is perfect in the Land of Hope, and there are those who, seeking control and dominance, would take the world back to the Times Before. As the main proponent of this change, Ben gains a following, the Land of Hope enters a dark time.
We have new characters from an unknown land, and the character Wallace, definitely well-described as “mercurial”, must decide what he really wants from the Land of Hope. Will he join Ben, or will he embrace the values of the Land of Hope? Are either of them the sum of their actions, or are there deeper issues at play? We have real-life conflicts, with genuine human emotions arising, as each character finds their role in the future of Earth.
Earth has a remarkable champion in the character of Chiyo. She is a most endearing young dragon, but do not underestimate her deep loyalty and wisdom. Chiyo demonstrates depths of love and empathy, but she is a fearless protector. When she joins the gifted wolf, Moona, the possibilities are endless.
It is a story well told, with genuine emotion, vivid description, and rich characterization. The themes of family values, place in society, responsibility, and caring for the earth are important considerations for everyone, and these are delivered in a well-paced story that will delight all ages. The elements of fantasy are fresh and creative, but beyond them, we can recognize the world we yearn for. Once again, there are environmental and social aspects, but this time, the focus is on the social. Is the concept of Hope sustainable? I warmly recommend that you enter the world of Spelldrifts to explore the possibilities.
A-M Mawhiney is a life-long advocate and educator who has spent her life seeking ways to improve lives through inclusive education. She hopes for a world where everyone can thrive. Her vision of what this might look like inspired her to write Spindrifts (2021) and its sequel, Spelldrifts. A fifth-generation settler, she lives with her partner, Dave McGill, and their canine companion, Charlie, in Sudbury, Ontario, in the territory of the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek in the Robinson-Huron Treaty Area.
- Publisher : FriesenPress (July 27 2023)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 318 pages
- ISBN-10 : 1039181635
- ISBN-13 : 978-1039181632