Miramichi Flash showcases four outstanding flash fiction: “Transubstantiation” by Wendy Booydegraaff, “The Giant Egg” by Boris Glikman, “Bone” by Didi Wood, “Savage Daughters” by Alison Rae King in its April 2022 Issue, today. — Enjoy!
All day they trudge through the creek sludge, looking for a hair, a thread from her red slippers, a fingernail she bit off. Last night’s downpour washed the muddy banks slippery as the metal slide in the playground. One, two, three, four silhouettes against the colorless sky, all with army experience, wearing camouflage, tramping grids onto unkempt bramble. The four silhouettes lead the crew of neighbors, show what clues to see and what crumpled litter, buried twigs, decomposing squirrels, to ignore.

Where exactly the giant egg was found is no longer remembered clearly.
What is certain is that an egg of such a size had never been observed before and it dwarfed the sightseers who gathered to gawk at it. The immediate instinctive reaction was to attempt to crack it open right where it lay to see what was within, but a voice screamed out above the din of the excited crowd that something rotten, perhaps even a half-decayed gigantic monstrosity, could be inside.

On the drive into the city, I pass a crow with a bone in its beak. It perches atop a stop sign at the end of the Montlake exit from the 520 West. I can’t tell what kind of bone – maybe a turkey leg? Or maybe that’s just what I want to think, because I’m pretty sure it’s something…

I was born on the tail of a comet, a cluster of cosmic Chi, blind but seeing, cold and on fire, shooting in through my mother’s bedroom window. I smashed perfume bottles and pristine angel figurines, shattered time and space. My mother, still in bangs and barrettes, delivered me single-handedly by the light of a teacup candle while spitting grace….