It’s that time of the year! I asked our whole team what their favourite books of the year were and received back more than 50 titles!!! Here are some of the standouts, and what our excellent reviewers had to say about them:
Weather by Rob Taylor

“Weather makes the most of such short musings. These poems urged me to continue cultivating an awe and respect for the art of the haiku. Perhaps the greatest gift a poet can give its reader is more than an appreciation for their work, but also for the craft. I spent my autumn researching, reading, and writing haiku poetry, inspired not only by Taylor’s writing but his reverence and respect of the poetry form itself. These poems declare that even in three or four seconds—as Taylor describes time with his late father—all that can happen. And all that did.” — Nicholas Selig

The Suicide Tourist by Myna Wallin
Girl Dinner by Jamie Kitts

“One of the most fun poetry collections I’ve ever read.” — Alison Manley
“I didn’t review this book, but had the pleasure of designing the cover. Her poems are personal, brave, and creatively written. I really enjoyed it.” — Dawn Mockler
Anatomical Venus by Courtney Bates-Hardy

Wrong Norma by Anne Carson

“Carson joyfully (it seems) tosses into the air multiple expectations about poetry, prose, form in writing and with superlative skill comes up with a series of stories that together create a compelling and inspiring sense of how to make meaning in a far-too-frequently absurd world.” — Susan Wismer
A Possible Trust by Ronna Bloom

“Bloom offers a window into what a poet can do, and does, by telling small stories of everyday life, to make the world a better, kinder place. A completely different book, and still somehow, like Wrong Norma, a strong sense of the role of the arts and of writing in offering solace, inspiration and challenge to the times and places where it is needed most.” — Susan Wismer