Bill Arnott’s Beat: Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside Writers’ Collective

A clink and scrape of flatware on plates. Lips smack. A bronchial cough. Huge potted fichus stoop at the ceiling, the look of good-natured green giants. I have a fifty-cent cup of coffee, which is not a Curtis Jackson reference. That’s the price of coffee at the Carnegie Centre in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (DTES), for those of us who belong.

Meet a Librarian: Dana Horrocks

[dropcap]Dana [/dropcap]Horrocks is the Newcastle Public Library’s new Director and since a librarian is practically every book lover’s favourite person, I thought it would be interesting to get to know one better. Dana gladly agreed to be interviewed by The Miramichi Reader. The Miramichi Reader: First, give us a little background. You’ve only been in …

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