Writing in a Different Season – Writers & (Inconvenient) Transformation

Uncertainty in writing is possibly the sagest teacher. I’m not talking about the blind “I have no idea what I’m doing and I love it” enthusiasm of the beginner, but when the core concept, practice, and process of who you are as a writer goes “poof!”. That when you come to the page, you are …

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I Read Somewhere That: Episode 12

Much ado about reviews and reviewers in this podcast! Question for reviewers: hard copy or PDF okay? The Twitterverse casts its vote! Goodreads are reviewing their reviewers – yay and it’s about time! A great newsletter you should sign up for, a motivational quote, is life the spinning wheel of death and top tips from Instagram on how to write great horror! Don’t miss out!

Bill Arnott’s Beat: The Authors’ Lounge Interview

Let me start by thanking The Miramichi Reader and editor-in-chief James M. Fisher for being a great supporter and friend to Bill Arnott’s Beat. Much of the success of the column-series and subsequent book, Bill Arnott’s Beat: Road Stories & Writers’ Tips, can be attributed to TMR. I was privileged to be interviewed recently for …

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How to Be a (Real) Writer – Pt. 1: Write You

I was five years old when I decided I wanted to be a writer. To be fair, most people don’t find their calling that early in life. But the passion and fascination I’ve had for books, the literary world, and the arts, never left me. Now, as Moncton’s inaugural Anglophone Poet Laureate, a professional editor & writing consultant, as well as the host of the Attic Owl Reading Series, the writing world is my entire life. But what I want to say to you is, that this is my journey and you don’t need to be any of these things to be a writer. To be a real writer, you only need three things.