Passionate Mothers, Powerful Sons by Charlotte Gray
A captivating dual biography of two famous women whose sons would change the course of the 20th century—by award-winning historian Charlotte Gray.
A captivating dual biography of two famous women whose sons would change the course of the 20th century—by award-winning historian Charlotte Gray.
Her Own Thinker: Canadian Women Writers as Essayists explores the thinking, ideas, and insights that Canadian women fiction writers have chosen to express in essay form rather than in fiction form.
A mapping of the political contexts and problems faced by advocates for women’s suffrage and wider rights in the Atlantic Provinces.
In this masterful account of a hidden episode of history, Faubert chronicles the tragedy of exile and the meaning of silence for those whose traumas were never fully recognized.
Women’s stories are told in this wide-ranging collection of biographies, the result of Muir’s research on early street directories and city histories, personal diaries, and other historical works.