The Narrows of Fear by Carol Rose GoldenEagle

The Narrows of Fear (Wapawikoscikanik) weaves the stories of a group of women committed to helping one another. Despite abuse experienced by some, both in their own community and in residential schools, these women learn to celebrate their culture, its stories, its dancing, its drums, and its elders.

When the Bartender Dims the Lights, storytelling after 80 by Ron Evans

When the Bartender Dims the Lights, storytelling after 80 by Ron Evans contains “bits and pieces of memory that managed to snag on the fence line and make a story because they sounded right.” A combination of memoir, parable, and wisdom gleaned throughout his life, Evans’ book reflects on the human condition and the complexities …

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Twenty-One Ways to Die in Saskatchewan by R.E. Stansfield

*** About the Author: Ron Stansfield is a transplanted prairie person now living “upshore” in Port Hilford, Nova Scotia. Born and bred in Regina, Saskatchewan, Ron enjoyed a distinguished three decade-long career in the international affairs field before retiring to the Maritimes. Gleefully freed finally from the constraints of government bureaucratese, he takes his inspiration …

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