The Body On The Beach by Patrick J. Collins

Inspired by a true event in Harbour Grace, 1920 Frank Fallon, a veteran policeman, finds himself demoted and transferred back to his hometown. Having left the community in 1905 after being rejected by his first love, Constable Fallon never wanted to return to the place of his childhood. Although they were young budding lovers, Marie Callahan’s denial of him for the love of another is still a painful memory.

New 2018 Fiction from Goose Lane Editions

[dropcap]Here [/dropcap]are a couple of mini-reviews of two recent fiction titles New Brunswick’s Goose Lane Editions, Marry Bang Kill by Andrew Battershill and Catch my Drift by Genevieve Scott. Marry Bang Kill by Andrew Battershill The title of this book comes from a popular question: when presented with three things (typically celebrities) who would you: …

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