Why I Wrote This Book: Issue #38
Featuring Adelle Purdham, Sam Chaiton, Mandy Eve-Barnett, and Alice Fitzpatrick
Featuring Adelle Purdham, Sam Chaiton, Mandy Eve-Barnett, and Alice Fitzpatrick
Featuring Michelle Berry, Harman Burns. Anna Dowdall, Robert G. Penner, and Stephanie Cesca
I was once challenged: “Why do we need Autokrator, in a world that already had The Handmaid’s Tale?”
Featuring Kim Fahner, Suzy Krause, Tasneem Jamal, Ricky Lima, Stacey Bartlett, and David O’Meara
Featuring Bill Arnott, Hollay Ghadery, Lucy Black, and Wayne Ng
Featuring Cathy Stonehouse, Sofia Mostaghimi, Darrow Woods, and Suzanne Casey.
Featuring Margaret Nowaczyk, Joanne Jackson, Mark Foss, and Jan Fancy Hull
Why do your favourite Canadian authors write the books they write? Let’s find out in this exclusive feature here at The Miramichi Reader.
Why do your favourite Canadian authors write the books they write? Let’s find out in this exclusive feature here at The Miramichi Reader.
Why do your favourite Canadian authors write the books they write? Let’s find out in this exclusive feature here at The Miramichi Reader.
Why do your favourite Canadian authors write the books they write? Let’s find out in this exclusive feature here at The Miramichi Reader.
Why do your favourite Canadian authors write the books they write? Let’s find out in this exclusive feature here at The Miramichi Reader
Featuring Sherry Pringle, Kevin Bickford, Pierre Arseneault, and Vanessa Hawkins
This special edition issue features Kate Rogers talking about her book, “The Meaning of Leaving”.
Featuring Niloufar-Lily Soltani, Danila Botha, Donald Bourque, and Trena Christie-MacEachern