Relative to Wind: On Sailing, Craft, and Community by Phoebe Wang

This is a how-to-sail (if you do well in learning by reading, with no guiding pictures), a meditation on unexpected hobbies, and a toast to community. Wang’s love of sailing is infectious — truly, I’ve sailed maybe once in my life at this point, and I at least idly considered looking up yacht clubs near me to see if any of them worked in the same way Wang’s does.

A black cover with an image of wooden wall sculptures in the centre. The author's name is above the image on the black background, and the title is underneath the image on the black background.

Pictures on the Wall: Building a Canadian Art Collection by Michael Audain

Pictures on the Wall: Building a Canadian Art Collection is an interesting kind of coffee table book: heavy with weighty paper and beautiful pictures, but also a memoir of a life spent admiring art, pursuing art, and most interesting – repatriating art.