Yellow Barks Spider by Harman Burns

There’s palpable tension in the spare opening pages of Yellow Barks Spider, a debut novella by Vancouver-based Saskatchewan transplant Harman Burns. Even before the story begins, a dedication—“for ██████ wherever you are” —draws any curious eye. A technique Burns revisits later, redaction—with its there/not there visibility—prompts inevitable questions: what’s the masked name and the story behind …

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In Sickness and In Health/ Yom Kippur in a Gym by Nora Gold

In Sickness and In Health by Nora Gold is the fictionalized memoir of a woman whose childhood was marked by epilepsy. Yom Kippur in a Gym by Nora Gold is a powerful, moving narrative that illuminates the messiness of our lives, while also providing a gentle nudge towards deep healing through kinship and faith.

A Brief Review of Damiana’s Reprieve, and a Conversation With its Author, Martha Bátiz

Mexican-Canadian writer Martha Bátiz is the author, amongst other works, of a particularly alluring novella, Damiana’s Reprieve (Exile Editions, 2018). With the backdrop of Italian Opera The Marriage of Figaro, the life of opera singer Damiana, and that of her family develop amidst sibling rivalry and a family mystery that relentlessly pulls the reader in.