Einstein on Israel and Zionism

Einstein on Israel and Zionism proves to be an important counteragent to the politically-motivated, overly-simplistic and, often, racially-motivated messaging we hear from prominent figures in Western media.

Cover of At a Loss for Words: Conversation in an Age of Rage by Carol Off. The cover is white, with the title in black capital letters and the subtitle in red. At the bottom are a set of cubes spelling out "Fact" but the last two letters are sitting in an edge, so it could be read as "fake."

At a Loss for Words: Conversations in an Age of Rage by Carol Off

In a compelling and succinct introduction, Off argues that in the current context, we are witness to no less than the devolution of democracy in favour of the rise of populism and demagoguery, and sets out to prove that the deliberate weaponization of language is contributing to a blurred understanding of civil society.

Hard Is the Journey: Stories of Chinese Settlement in British Columbia’s Kootenay by Lily Chow

In Hard Is the Journey, award-winning historian and researcher Lily Chow exposes the difficult history of Chinese Canadians in the Kootenay, shedding light on the stories of those who risked everything and often lost their lives in building the Canada we know today.