We, Jane by Aimee Wall

There is so much to say about Aimee Wall’s debut novel We, Jane. In a tight 200 pages, Wall’s poetic prose chronicles the complicated relationships between women of different generations and life experiences. Through these connections, readers are exposed to the complex geography of reproductive rights and to legacies of local knowledge.

Dirty Birds by Morgan Murray*

In late 2008, as the world’s economy crumbles and Barack Obama ascends to the White House, the remarkably unremarkable Milton Ontario – not to be confused with Milton, Ontario – leaves his parents’ basement in Middle-of-Nowhere, Saskatchewan, and sets forth to find fame, fortune, and love in the Euro-lite electric sexuality of Montreal.

Throw Down Your Shadows by Deborah Hemmings

What does it mean, to do the wrong thing for the right reasons? 16-year-old Winnie, the self-reliant narrator of Deborah Hemming’s taut novel Throw Down Your Shadows, is about to learn that painful lesson.  It’s summer, 2005. Winnie lives with her artist mother, Ruth, in Gaspereau, a small rural community next door to Wolfville, in Nova …

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Pedestal cover image

Pedestal by Gareth Mitton

About the Author: Born in Rochdale, England, Gareth Mitton is a lifelong writer and creator, now based in Moncton, New Brunswick. He is a published essayist, blogger and author, whose short story Watcher, a 2017 ScreenCraft Cinematic Short Story semi-finalist, was featured in the 2019 anthology, Dystopia from the Rock. Pedestal is his first novel. …

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